Cloud Computing Q4-2023

Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet.

Example: email service, Apps, Microsoft 365, Cloud storage.

These services are broadly divided into three categories:

  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

Cloud ServiceModels

SaaSEnd Users ConsumeSoftware applications such as email, word processing, and customer relation management toolsComplete business tasks that are typically performed locally on acomputer
PaaSDevelopers and Application Managers BuildServices for creating, and testing, web server, databaseEstablish a common andconsistent platform for applicationdevelopment
IaaSIT System Managers HostVirtual machines, storage services, and backup servicesBuild a customized computing environment

Cloud clients 

  • Web Browser 
  • Mobile Apps 
  • Thin Client

Deployment Models

  • Private Cloud: Deploy for a single organization. For example, National Cancer Institute (NCI)
  • Public Cloud: Deploy for all organizations over the internet / public network
  • Community Cloud: Deploy for several organizations, that share the same mission. For example, all organizations under NIH (NCI, CIT, NIA, NIAAA etc.)
  • Hybrid Cloud: Combination of any of the above


  • Accessible Everywhere-No geographical barrier
  • Pay Per Use-Pay for what you need
  • More economical/Cheap-Pool of resource for many people/multi-tenant
  • Faster Deployment
  • Disaster recovery


  • Compliance-Enforcement is hard, manage by different entity
  • Legal-Laws vary by countries
  • Data Security-Manage by different entity and delivered over the internet (CIA)
  • Privacy-Delivered over the internet (Appropriate use of data)
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Cloud Computing Q4-2023 – SmartThink LLC

Cloud Computing Q3-2023

Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet.

Example: email service, Apps, Microsoft 365, Cloud storage.

These services are broadly divided into three categories:

  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

Cloud ServiceModels

SaaSEnd Users ConsumeSoftware applications such as email, word processing, and customer relation management toolsComplete business tasks that are typically performed locally on acomputer
PaaSDevelopers and Application Managers BuildServices for creating, and testing, web server, databaseEstablish a common andconsistent platform for applicationdevelopment
IaaSIT System Managers HostVirtual machines, storage services, and backup servicesBuild a customized computing environment

Cloud clients 

  • Web Browser 
  • Mobile Apps 
  • Thin Client

Deployment Models

  • Private Cloud: Deploy for a single organization. For example, National Cancer Institute (NCI)
  • Public Cloud: Deploy for all organizations over the internet / public network
  • Community Cloud: Deploy for several organizations, that share the same mission. For example, all organizations under NIH (NCI, CIT, NIA, NIAAA etc.)
  • Hybrid Cloud: Combination of any of the above


  • Accessible Everywhere-No geographical barrier
  • Pay Per Use-Pay for what you need
  • More economical/Cheap-Pool of resource for many people/multi-tenant
  • Faster Deployment
  • Disaster recovery


  • Compliance-Enforcement is hard, manage by different entity
  • Legal-Laws vary by countries
  • Data Security-Manage by different entity and delivered over the internet (CIA)
  • Privacy-Delivered over the internet (Appropriate use of data)
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