High Value Asset (HVA) Q4-2023

  • OMB Memo M-17-09 defines high value assets as those that “enable the government to conduct essential functions and operations, provide services to citizens, generate and disseminate information, and facilitate greater productivity and economic prosperity.”
  • Specifically, that encompasses “information systems, information, and data for which an unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction could cause a significant impact to the United States’ national security interests, foreign relations, economy, or to the public confidence, civil liberties, or public health and safety of the American people.”
  • HVAs may contain sensitive controls, instructions, data used in critical Federal operations, or unique collections of data (by size or content), or support an agency’s mission essential functions, making them of specific value to criminal, politically motivated, or state sponsored actors for either direct exploitation or to cause a loss of confidence in the U.S. Government.
  • OMB has issued guidance to agencies on the planning, identification, categorization, prioritization, reporting, assessment, and remediation of “high value assets, as well as the handling of information related to such assets.
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High Value Asset (HVA) Q4-2023 – SmartThink LLC

High Value Asset (HVA) Q3-2023

  • OMB Memo M-17-09 defines high value assets as those that “enable the government to conduct essential functions and operations, provide services to citizens, generate and disseminate information, and facilitate greater productivity and economic prosperity.”
  • Specifically, that encompasses “information systems, information, and data for which an unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction could cause a significant impact to the United States’ national security interests, foreign relations, economy, or to the public confidence, civil liberties, or public health and safety of the American people.”
  • HVAs may contain sensitive controls, instructions, data used in critical Federal operations, or unique collections of data (by size or content), or support an agency’s mission essential functions, making them of specific value to criminal, politically motivated, or state sponsored actors for either direct exploitation or to cause a loss of confidence in the U.S. Government.
  • OMB has issued guidance to agencies on the planning, identification, categorization, prioritization, reporting, assessment, and remediation of “high value assets, as well as the handling of information related to such assets.
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